Thursday, 20 February 2014

I've got the blues...

Hi y'all!

Actually I'm not bluesy at all, it's just easy title for this post because my woman is out (classic blues theme...) and tonight vibe is from mighty Muddy Waters.

I got this nice 7' recently and it was quite a random buy (I appreciate Blues of course, but I don't know it extensively...).

The title was a mystery to me but hopefully Wikipedia helps to understand :

Shortly, the sond is about a plant "used as one of the parts of a mojo bag. It is typically used in sexual spells of various sorts and it is also considered lucky forgambling. It is likely that the root acquired its sexual magical reputation because, when dried, it resembles the testicles of a dark-skinned man."
...I like those wikipedia academic definitions!

The B side has no sexual meaning at all as it is titles "short dress woman", hmm, the blues...

It seems those title are from young Muddy Waters, before he became a blues legend and inspired the Stones to choose the group name and Led Zeppelin for their first (and best) period recording.

Hope you like it as much as I do,

All the best to you, 



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